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Petr Nydrle  

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Teacher, director, actor 

Acting classes, creative writing, rhetoric, acting, directing 

Was born in Mlada Boleslav.
Had studied at Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno, his major field of study was Theory and History of Theatre. He completed his studies by studying pedagogy. 

In 2005 he has become the chief of the literary-drama course in Primary art school in Zlín.
His students not only take part in theatre events and school performances, but also pursue acting on a professional level (they star in movies and television series made by Czech Televison – CT, University of Tomas Bata in Zlin or Zlin Film Festival).
He also teaches children who suffer from ASD, helping them to integrate better into the groups. 

In 2004 he had become the Chief of Arts, director, actor and dramaturge of Mala Scena Theatre in Zlin, where he worked until 2013. 

He is significantly involved in annual charity projects such as Charita Zlin, Malé mimi or Educo. He also beneficially cooperates with Foster home Zlin Lazy or Centrum Slunečnice and has participated in a project called Divadlo žen a mužů Brno (this project was meant to support single mothers). 

Beside his activity as a teacher in Elementary Art School in Zlin, he also lectured at Collage of Further Education of Arts in Zlin (over the years 2001 – 2006). 

His publishing activity (in magazines such as In Zlin to which he monthly contributes since 2016, 40 let Malé scény and ZUŠ Zlín) is essential, he lectures courses of creative writing, rhetoric or acting classes for general public. 

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